I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Glory to God, who has made a way for us to be reconciled to Himself, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His blood shed for us on the cross. No other way was possible, we may reasonably suppose, since ‘without the shedding of blood there is no remission’ of sins, and we learn from the law of Moses that the sacrificial lamb had to be without blemish, so that only a perfect Man, as ‘a lamb without spot or blemish‘, could take our place and bear the punishment we deserved. Hallelujah for His life laid down willingly and in love for our sakes. ‘We love Him’, the Lord Jesus, ‘because He first loved us.‘ Shame on those who water down this holy gospel and pretend that they have found some other way to find peace with God. There is none. God set Jesus before us as the means of atonement, of propitiation, ‘through faith in His blood‘. There is no other way to be saved. Jesus died for our sins, the godly for the ungodly, ‘the just for the unjust‘, that He might bring us to a loving God. Hallelujah. Glory be to His holy Name on high, the Name above every Name.
For at the mighty Name of Jesus, ‘every knee shall bow‘, willingly or unwillingly, and ‘every tongue confess Him‘ as the Lord, ‘to the glory of God the Father‘. How do we communicate this great news to an unbelieving generation? How do we break through the walls of indifference, of apathy, of unbelief? Try as we might, human effort is of no avail. The devil, who has ‘blinded the minds of unbelievers‘, is much too strong for our unaided efforts. But through prayer and fasting all things are possible. Hallelujah, nothing is too hard for God. He sits on His holy throne and observes the sons of men [Psalm 11]. He is indifferent to the cries of those who find offence in His word. He doesn’t care about their concerns, since they are not His holy concerns. He desires to reveal to us our sinful state, not to massage our egos, and reassure us that all is well when it is not. Shame on those who give false reassurance to those bound for the pit of hell. What are they thinking of? Have they no fear? Have they no wisdom, for ‘the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom‘.
Repent, brothers and sisters, who lead God’s people astray with your messages of false reassurance for sinners. ‘Do not be deceived‘, Paul wrote, ‘neither catamites nor sodomites‘, that is to say practising homosexuals of one type or another, ‘will inherit the kingdom of God‘. But such people are being welcomed into churches with open arms, with no correction and no warning about their hideous end if they fail to repent and seek the Lord for forgiveness, healing and deliverance. What has happened to the Christian people of England, that we should sink so low, and even laugh at sin, with no fear at all? God help us to repent, and turn from our wicked ways, and seek His face for forgiveness, and pray for revival. The revival is coming but it will be as iced water to the unconcerned, and as holy fire to the sinner. The Lord will do it in His time, and England will be a Christian nation again.
Suddenly the Lord, whom we seek, ‘will come to His temple‘, and He will purify us with fire.
Jesus is my lord and Saviour Aman
Amen, He is my Lord and Saviour too, dear brother in Christ.