Hallelujah. Dawn is breaking over the North-East of England as revivalists converge on the city of Newcastle in its darkest hour. A crescendo of angelic voices cry ‘Holy, holy, holy to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords’ as we await the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ the Son of God into His church to assume His rightful place as Master of the house and Ruler of His people.
In the natural what is happening is that Ken Gott, who is God’s apostolic leader for the North-East of England, arrived back yesterday from the revival meetings in Lakeland, Florida, where the Spirit of the Lord is being poured out in a wonderful way and there is a visitation of the Lord in signs and wonders and miracles and raising of the dead. Fervent prayer is needed for Todd Bentley who is a mighty man of God if rather immature in his sometimes embarrassing vanity with respect to his ministry and possibly vulnerable to deception by dark angels masquerading as angels of light. With depressing predictability the self-appointed watchdogs of the internet have launched into the attack like dogs on a wounded prey and will slow the move by hemming him in with accusations and vilification that only the holiest saint would be able to endure without flinching in the battle.
Meanwhile the leader of the Argentinian revival in the 1990s, Claudio Freidzon, assumes his mantle as fire carrier, arriving in Newcastle upon Tyne today to minister in the church which Ken Gott leads, and we may be sure that the Lord will use him in power to release the apostolic anointing that is needed to break through the religious spirit that dominates and controls the pentecostal and other Spirit-filled churches in the area. Oh that the Lord would raise up men of grace and power and much Christian love, men like John Wesley who preached on the Newcastle quayside and Smith Wigglesworth and others who breathed the Spirit of freedom and holiness in the birth of the English pentecostal movement in Sunderland. Pray for us that we will lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus laid hold of us.
Reference your “Ken Gott, who is God’s apostolic leader for the North-East of England,….” er, says who?’
Well, me, obviously, but who else is there to say it so long as we have a divided and scattered church? So we can only speak what we believe as a result of seeking the Lord in prayer for His view of our situation and His direction for our assembling ourselves together in love and unity under godly and spiritual leadership.
The first three words would have sufficed, but thanks.
Have you prayed about it? How do you know that this is just my opinion rather than something I may have received from the Lord?
I fell into that burning ring of fire, the flames of the Holy Spirit rose higher x 2, and it burns burns burns. Go for it UK. Had a dream weeks ago saw enthusiastic people in a grandstand wrapped in UK flags wild in revival. Smith blazed a trail for u to run in dig into the wells of revival. People go and see the mission he and Polly ran in Bradford. Re-dig your wells. There”s a HUGE revival on its way. The LORD ALMIGHTY is bigger than all. Andrea.Baillie.
Thanks for adding your faith to ours, Andrea. I pray for revival in Australia that God would breathe on the dry bones and raise up revivalists full of love for the Lord and zeal for evangelism, and praying saints who will watch and pray for your leaders, and pastors who will lay down their lives for their flocks. The Lord will do it. Amen.
“The taste of love is sweet
when hearts like our”s meet
I fell for you like a child
oh, but the fire went wild…”
I believe Johnny Cash may have been singing about more earthly passions!
Andrew, it has been several years since we have communicated. The Lord has brought you to my remembrance over these years and I have earnestly prayed for you. The prophetic words you shared with me in 2000 and 2002 continue to encourage me in the work of our Lord around the world. We have been privileged to travel in missions to many nations equipping servant leaders for His Kingdom work. It would be such a joy to hear from you again as you have the time and libery in the Lord to do so. Love in Him, Dan Hubbell, His servant, From “a hired house” (Acts 28:30-31), Winnsboro, Texas USA, http://www.churchrestoration.org
Dear brother. i am pastor Amirfazal .chairman founder water of life ministry of pakistan. pleas prayer for my ministry and my team. God bless you. from PASTOR Amir fazal’
Hello Dear pastor Andrew.
how ar you. i am pastor Amir Fazal lahore pakistan.plese prayer my ministry and My Family Adam and Yabeez.
last monday verry good meating and i am verry happy.
Chairman&Founder pastor Amir Fazal Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
Hi Andrew.
I believe, that Christians that are seeking for the fire of God to hit our shores need to get together and organize prayer meetings, to pray for Revival. True revival does not come easy it is messy and sometimes painful but very necessary. Jesus is longing to bring revival to these shores more than we need it. He is looking for a people who are willing to pay the cost. They will have to stand up against a religious sleeping church who will say that the revivalist are of the devil.
We need to rise up with boldness of the Lion of Judah and declare that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and none can come to the Father except through Jesus. The UK must be effected by the Church and not the Church effected by the UK. The church should be leading the Way living out the Truth and Following the Life of Jesus. IT IS TIME TO MAKE A STAND. No more compromise.
Hi Keith, thank you for your encouragement. ”I will stand on my guard post, and station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch to see what He will say to me, and how I may reply when I am reproved. Then the Lord answered me and said, Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak and will not lie. Though it tarries wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Habakkuk says it all (2 vv 1-3).
Hello Dear pastor Andrew,
how ar you.i am pastor Amir Fazal Lahore pakistan.plese prayer Water of life ministry and Healing Church and Fire Healing prayer center.
To morrow plam sunday servics moor prayer.
water of life ministry tame prayer.
pastor Amir Fazal and Mrs Sonia Amir Fazal
God Bless you
Dear brother may the blessings of YHVH be giving to you. Revival ah yes most christians are wildly excited about “revival” we hear them cry out “there”s going to be a revival” they believe it, they want, they even pray for it. But when I read my Bible the Word of YHVH I dont see any prophetic scritures speaking about a revival, but there are plenty of Scriptures about the tribulation and warnings to what one should do to be worthy of escape.
Any way what is the point of revival? Is it the pouring out of YHVH”s Holy Spirit and that supernatural power turning people from being unbelievers to being followers of Yahushua? Did YHVH not use people to reach the lost i.e Prophets, Apostles, and others and are we not told to go out and reach the lost with the Gospel of the Kingdom rather than cry out for a revival that will not take place?
Revival is coming to those who seek God”s face and purify ourselves from all unholy ways and pray and fast for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our lives and ministries and churches. If we ask for bread will God give us a stone? How much more will He give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. James 4 v 7 speaks of a latter rain to be poured out before the coming of the Lord as does Joel 2. Are we to ignore the dreams and visions that God has graciously given to His children of a great end-time revival in this nation? Were Smith Wigglesworth and Jean Darnall and John Mulinde and Wendy Alec and many others just imagining things? How are we to win the lost without the power of God upon our preaching? Were not the disciples continually in prayer for days in an upper room before the Spirit was poured out and Peter preached with power and effectiveness? 2 Chronicles 7 v 14 is the scripture for the hour.
Hello Dear Pastor Andrew.
how ar you.i am Pastor Amir Fazal Water Of Life Ministry Chairman and Founder.pastor Andrew we ar revice my picture.
i am wating your answer.
and moor prayer for pastor Amir Fazal Family and Ministry.and moor prayer for Pakistan flood Peopel.
God Bless you.
Pastor Amir Fazal and Pastor Sonia Amir
I like prayer for the Holy Spirit and that Lord would change my life and everyone would see the change in me. I would like prayer that I would know Lord will for my life and walk in it.
Hello Dear Pastor Andrew & Family.
how ar you.i am sending you face book email adam_wlm48@yahoo.com
God Bless You
pastor Andrew we ar no this year plan for visite Lahore Pakistan and Sekind home lahore pakistan Pastor Amir Fazal Family your home OKY
Pastor Amir Fazal Family
Hello Dear Pastor Andrew family.
how ar you.i am sending you new face book adress adam.television@yahoo.com
God Bless You Pastor Andrew Family and Church Tame
Pastor Amir Fazal Family Proublam Plese Prayer my to 2 childran school time i have no money plese daily prayer pastor Andrew.
i am wating your answer face book adress.
Hello Dear Pastor Andrew Chapman,
as i told about my 40 day fasting that pastor Amir Fazal had 40day one fasting day and nigth now pastor Amir Fazal
has complete 40day fasting at last saturday night.after this fasting God gave very blessing pastor amir Fazal and now
also remembers in ur prayers pastor amir and his family in ur prayers for church growth also prayers thanks.
God bless You
Pastor Amir Fazal and Mrs sonia amir Fazal